Oxychlorination Catalyst

oxychlorination catalyst

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the second most widely consumed plastic, is a material generally used in pipes, cables, and other construction applications. Almost all the world’s production of PVC  is obtained by the polymerisation of vinyl chloride (VCM), which is produced using C2H4, Cl2 and O2 as reagents. Production of VCM is based on the cracking of C2H4Cl2, which in its turn is produced by two parallel processes, direct chlorination and oxychlorination

  1) C2H4 + Cl2 → C2H4Cl2

2) C2H4 + 2HCl + 1/2O2 → C2H4Cl2 + H2O

The oxychlorination reaction (2) allows the HCl produced by the cracking of C2H4Cl2 (EDC) to be recycled, representing a large scale reaction specifically developed to reduce the raw material consumption (Cl2) and to avoid the removal from the cycle of unused reagents (HCl), in agreement with the modern requests of chemical industry

 Catalyst for Oxychlorination

GCat-Oxy series

GCat-Oxy is light greenish yellow promoted CuCl2 catalyst supported on micro-spherical alumina powder. These catalyst is ideally suited for fluid bed reactor operation. It is extremely robust and highly tolerant to process upsets and diverse operating conditions

GCat-Oxy Fix

 is greenish yellow promoted CuCl2 catalyst supported on hollow cylindrical shaped alumina. It is used for ethylene oxychlorination reaction for production of Ethylene Di-Chloride (EDC) in fixed bed reactors. This product is available in two different types for the first and second reactor and third reactor
